clock December 24,2023

National Chamber to hold Entrepreneurship Development Program in Kurunegala

A capacity-building seminar on entrepreneurship will be held on Wednesday, 18 December from 9.00 a.m to 4.00 p.m at the Hotel Blue Sky, Kurunegala (in Sinhala Medium), organized by the National Chamber of Commerce of Sri Lanka, in association with the Wayamba Chamber of Commerce and Industry. 

The topics addressed will be: ‘What is entrepreneurship?’, Leadership and Team Building, HR Management, Innovation and Technology, Sales and Marketing, Income Expenses Management and Profit-Making, Business Strategies, etc. A valuable certificate will be issued to each participant at the end of the session. 

Trainer and consultant in professions Gayan Jayatilleke will be the Resource Person and there will be a special presentation/discussion on banking services/facilities/loans offered by the Bank of Ceylon for SMEs in the country.  

For further details, kindly contact the National Chamber on 011 4741788 (Nishanthi) or email:;

Source:- FT.LK

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