clock December 24,2023
Tourism promotes SL as wellness destination in EU

Tourism promotes SL as wellness destination in EU

Interface Tourism, a leading marketing and communications agency in tourism announced the launch of a groundbreaking wellness campaign to promote Sri Lanka, targeted at the French and German markets. This initiative, commissioned by the European Union Delegation with the support of Sri Lanka Tourism Promotion Bureau, is a part of Sri Lanka’s strategic effort to position itself as a premier wellness destination in Asia.

Chairman, Sri Lanka Tourism Promotion Bureau Chalaka Gajabahu, said “This collaborative effort with the European Union in promoting wellness tourism segment through this campaign will definitely support the Srilankan Tourism stakeholders to capture a lucrative market having a great potential for Sri Lanka especially from the European countries.”Interface Tourism is launching a 2-month digital campaign to promote Sri Lanka as the premier wellness destination in Asia, tapping into the burgeoning global wellness tourism market.The campaign commenced on February 15 with the introduction of six German influencers to Sri Lanka. Their experiences will be broadcasted on Instagram and TikTok, providing a glimpse into their journeys to a global audience.

(Source : Daily News)

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